Hehe, Wagogo, Sukuma, Nyamwezi - 64 cm
Composed club, light brown, thin stick with a slightly sharpened ball made of black-brown wood - probably wood from the Mpaco tree.
The model of this club shape is probably the burial stick of the hunter culture, weighted down with a stone. The spread of this club shape in East Africa points to the belonging to the ancient Nigritic culture.
Maybe this typ it is the further development of the stone ball clubs, like this one http://www.africanarms.com/gallery?kamba-stone-ball-club-63-cm
Claus,Heinrich:Die Wagogo;Fig.69
Böhrenz;Beiträge zur materiellen Kultur der Nyamwezi:S.94,108
Rütimeyer:S.250 ff
Böhrenz;Beiträge zur materiellen Kultur der Nyamwezi:S.94,108
Rütimeyer:S.250 ff
Wilhelm Blohm: Die Nyamwezi; Taf. VI, fig. 87