African weapons Mongelima, Mbole, Mongo, Lokele 18,5 x 12 cm, w max, 8,8 cm, min 6,5 cm, 3590 gr with uncommon fantastic pattern Lit.: Roberto Ballarini: The perfect form; pg. 328, 356 - 5.150 African sword and knife1257 FotosAfrican throwing knifes96 FotosAfrican club and staff134 FotosAfrican axes211 FotosAfrican spear and arrow286 FotosAfrican shields335 FotosPrimitive money68 FotosTuareg chisel - 23,2 x 4,7 cm, 638 grKissi pennies - 29cmKwele Mandjong - 51+ 52,5 cmKwele currency Zong - 54 cmKwele "Dupa" - 36,5 x 10,4cmNgbaka - 54 cmDoko, Ngbandi, Ngbaka iron currency - 72,2 cmMongelima, Mbole, Mongo, Lokele Mongelima, Mbole, Mongo, Lokele Chad - Sara - Sakania - 11 x 6,1cmNgama Sara Chad "kul" - 54 cmAngas hoe - 80 x 52 cm AFO hoe - 59,5 x 41,2 cmMambila, Chamba - 25 x 19 cmMambila, Chamba - Gayum regionCentral Tanzania Jembe - 42 x 25 cmMambila, Chamba hoe - 45 x 35,5 cmNigeria - Chamba - 41,3 x 10,5cmMambila, Mfumte, Kwanja - 70,5 x 26 cmChamba - 90,3 cmIgbo coiled manilla - 21,5 cm, 2650 grIgbo copper manilla currency - 23,5 x 15,5 cm, 1394 gr Igbo copper currency - 17 x 17,6 cm. 2,3 cm, 1750 grIdoma Nigeria - 73 cmHausa basket "kwundo tuo" - 27 x 23,5 cmMumuye - 15,3 x 11 cm Mumuye - 27,5 x 22 cmMumuye - 4,9 x 5,3 cmMafa, Mumuye, Chamba - 21,2 x 11 cm 6 Yakoma money spearsElephant tail sign of authority money - 55 cmKru, currency, dowry, "Nitien" Kota anklet "Djokélebalé"3 legband Mongo Ekonda Bakutu konga 5kg5 legband Mongo Ekonda konga 3 4kgKonda Kundu currency 13 5 x 11 cm 6 cmKonda, Kundu, Ntomba - 12 x h 8,8 cmMongo, Ngandu - 15 x 13,5 cm x 6cm - 3080 gr3 Tetela copper money spear 160 cm5 Jonga Hamba Mbole ehuke 24cm, 1785 grLokele, Topoke - DRC - liganda - 170 x 36 cmAFRICAN C W HERWIG J J PETERSCongo Handa 14th Cent 12 5 x 4 5 cmlittle Katanga crossesLibinza Lobala Munsela 46 5 x 19cmMangbetu mapuka 70 5 cm gMbugbu Ngindza 28 5 cmMitako Congo - 145 cm - 2150 grAmole - EthiopiaFulani, Mumuye, Jukun - 35,5 cmJonga, Hamba, Mongo, Mbesa Nkutshu copper bar - 19 x 10,5 cm, 1113 grNkutshu iwenga - 37 cmiron currency "Ikonga" - Tetela - 28 cmNkutshu Tetela - 27,3cmNkutshu, Basongo Meno - BolokoMadi ceremonial iron hoe 41 5 x 27 5 cm klSouth Sudan Bango Latuka 31 x 18cmSouth Sudan Bongo Latuka 25 x 21cmZaramo iron hoe Tanzania 23 cmYaka 30 x 17cmZande Bamangwa - 62,5 x 16 cmVenda 17 x 14 5cmIla copper axe - 45,5 cmFang - Egbwé le - currency - 15,3 x 2,5 cmBamum bracelet - max 14,5 , h 5,8 cm, 526 grBaretule from the Frafra and Nankani.Shona - bride money - 45 x 21 cm
African ethnographica African adornment231 FotosAfrican manillas and bracelets279 FotosAfrican headrest & stool178 FotosAfrican headdress68 FotosAfrican basket & container319 FotosAfrican pipe & snuff134 FotosAfrican mask & sculpture81 FotosAfrican musik instrument82 Fotos
Beads, Neolithic Artefacts, Pictures Beads136 FotosGoldweights and accessory74 FotosNeolithic artefacts58 Fotoshistorical pictures, graphic sources366 FotosNew Books1 Fotos
Travelling Middle East 1971 ( under construction )60 FotosMorocco 1973 ( under construction )1 FotosSudan 1976 ( under construction )23 FotosAlgeria - Sahara 1978 ( under construction )1 FotosThailand 19793 FotosKenya 1992 ( under construction )80 FotosIceland Impressions 1993 and 199513 FotosSouth Morocco 20060 FotosMauretania 200617 FotosOMO VALLEY 20121 FotosCAIRO 20190 FotosEgypt 1981 + 20190 FotosChad 2022/23 (under construction)39 Fotos